Standards on Imports. Who regulates them?
I am just asking the question does anyone know or is the system such that an importer can ask for the appropriate forms be completed to prove the standard of imports with no hard evidence?
Then when the standards are found to fall short and failures occur in these same imports it is only then that the government authorities take action, just in time to witness the importer declare bankruptcy, close down and then reappear later with a new business name in new location.
I don’t believe we need new tariffs on these imports but I do think we need regulation to ensure our local manufacturers trying to make an honest income are competing on a “level playing field” with imported goods.
“Just an idea out of left field” – An Australian Standards on Imports body with staff and testing facilities to check the standards of imported goods which “God Forbid” could be funded by the importers.
I would think that a sample presented for testing that meets Australian Standards could receive an import licence and then random checks on future shipments would keep the standards up.
Job done, standards met everyone happy to compete against imports that meet the standards.
All this will add to the cost of importing and perhaps allow an existing struggling local manufacturer to survive and employ locals, pay tax and be productive for our nation.
We are seeing many product recalls and substandard import scandals all because we are unable or unwilling to fund import testing for the standards that all Australian manufacturers must meet.
It cannot be better for Australia to take these importers to court after the fact, making the legal profession the only winners who never seem to be in danger of competing against cheap overseas competition forcing closures in their industry.