For many years, Flender marketed the Cavex series of worm gearboxes, both in Australia and throughout the world.
Cavex Design Philospohy
Flender developed the Cavex worm gearbox for heavy duty environments. Primarily, this was achieved by utilising specialist design parameters with the worm thread profile. The heavy duty characteristics of Cavex gearboxes offer extended service life in applications such as bunker discharge conveyors and wagons, and have been specifiied at places such as Alcoa in Portland, in addition to coal energy generation.
The concave profile cylindrical worm with its enveloping wormwheel is different to conventional designs, in that the worm threads have a concave profile instead of an involute or convex one. Because of this, the teeth are subject to only low specific tooth pressure, and lubrication is assisted as the concave threads are matched to convex gear teeth.
Cavex Availability
Flender discontinued the popular Cavex worm gearbox series some years ago, favouring selling the business unit in its entirety to another firm. It is because of this decision that Cavex gearboxes are still available out of Europe, made to the original drawings and factory specifications. In fact, we have experienced no interruption to supply at all during the transition.
All Torque Transmissions has extensive knowledge of the Flender Cavex series of worm gearboxes, having supplied units where either high overload capacity, low noise development or lubrication continuity were specifically required by the application.